What is so holy about cows that poverty-stricken Hindus refuse to eat beef, even when they are on the verge of dying of starvation? Why do Jews despise pig and why do we go to war?
Some cultural practices are simply beyond being quirky to the extent that they seem irrational. 'Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches' contains entertaining accounts regarding some of the world's most widely-celebrated cultures. It gives a anthropological, scientific, and logical explanation behind how these cultures came to be in such wide and strict practice. These seemingly-superstitious cultures are the products of a long period of lifestyle changes. As a result, at one stage, these cultures were an indispensable part of peoples' lives: almost a means of survival. Even nowadays, these cultures are still preserved, even though life is probably still manageable without adhering to them.
The most fascinating thing is how "cows, pigs, wars and witches" are interrelated in the course of the anthropological development of the human race. The book provides the key to this puzzle in a very entertaining way.
Bringing back journaling + book report writing, in an attempt to become a more selective, active and a mindful reader of non-fiction.
Read and Reading
- The Rational Optimist
- •Eating Animals
- •Civilization: The West and the Rest
- •Inside the House of Money
- •More Money than God
- •How Markets Fail
- •Too Big to Fail
- •Security Analysis
- •The Black Swan
- •What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20
- •Justice
- •Snoop
- •The General Theory (Keynes)
- •케인즈를 위한 변명 (The Rise, Fall and Return of the 20th Century's Most Influential Economist, Keynes)
- •I'm the King of the Castle
- •The Glass Menagerie
- •The Empathic Civilization
- •Inventing Temperature
- •13 Bankers
- •Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches
- •Why We Need a New Welfare State
- •A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World
- •세계사를 바꾼 철학의 구라들 (Kleine Geschichte Der Philosophie)
- •Grace and Grit
- •Democracy in America
- •Communism
- •The Age of the Unthinkable
- •The Idea of Justice
- •Capitalism and Freedom
- •Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
- •국가의 부와 빈곤 (The Wealth and Poverty of Nations)
- •The Importance of Being Earnest
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